Friday, February 24, 2012

MOPS International Email for February

The Fruit of a Sensible LeaderFebruary Leader Devotionalby Kelli Jordan, Regional Developer
As leaders we want to produce fruit. It is the result of our energy and passion. MOPS leaders want to produce better moms, invested leaders and outreach opportunities. How does a sensible leader produce that kind of fruit?

Our strength as leaders is directly related to the depth of our relationship with God. As Christians, we produce fruit – love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness and self-control (Galatians 5:22-23). Consistently displaying these fruits is evidence of our investment in time with the Lord. This type of leader is better able to lead others to a deeper relationship with God.

We can’t lead others closer to Jesus unless we are moving in that direction ourselves. We can’t lead others to be outreach minded if we are not outreach minded. We can’t lead others toward a stronger commitment to our mission if we aren’t committed to it ourselves.

If others see us displaying the fruit of the spirit and see evidence of our commitment and direction, they are more likely to trust enough to follow us – even if they don’t completely understand or even agree with our plans. A sensible leader understands we cannot lead from a place we have not been. We can’t expect others to follow if they can’t see evidence of our commitment to God or if they don’t trust our commitment to them.

Healthy, growing and sensible leaders bear fruit by relying on God’s word and cultivating a deep relationship with him. Sensible leaders model personal growth and come alongside others, developing them so they can find their perfect place of service and begin bearing their own leadership fruit.

While considering this devotion, head over to the MOPS Guide forum to discuss these questions with other leaders:

  • Consider your sphere of influence. Your family, friends, other moms, other leaders and your children. What evidence do your interactions show of a growing and deepening relationship with God?
  • Let God fill the gaps, we all have them … all of us. How might you invite him into every moment and interaction?
  • What relationships and interactions do you forget to invite him into?

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

An event for 2012

Moms: Here is a great way for us to get plugged in to the community! Let's all walk together! Plus the kiddos can walk with us (or ride in strollers)!

Be a Hero for Life - Choices' Walk for Life April 28, 2012 at the Tennessee RiverParkRegistration and Costume Contest: 8:30 AM
Door Prizes Drawing and Walk: 9:30 - 11:30 AM

Celebrate life with hundreds of others from the Chattanooga community at Tennessee RiverPark, located on Amnicola Hwy. near the Chattanooga State Campus. The Walk for Life is a family event, so be sure to bring your family and friends and participate in our 2-mile along the beautiful Tennessee River. This year we are adding a contest for the best "Hero" costume. Be sure to arrive by 9:15 AM for a chance to win door prizes and the costume contest.
The goal of the Walk for Life is to raise funds for the ministry of Choices Pregnancy Resource Center, educate community members about Choices and its outreaches and make a strong life-affirming statement to our community.
Your enthusiastic participation will save lives! Choices Pregnancy Resource Center depends on the funds you raise to continue offering free services to the community and ministering to women, men, families, pre-born babies and students that God will send our way this year.
We need you! Join Choices Pregnancy Resource Center on April 28 as we Walk for Life!

Monday, February 20, 2012

MOPS International Email

Glass House Resident

Have you ever felt like other mothers were looking at you and wondering why you don’t have it all together? Do you look at the moms around you and wish that your children were just as perfect as theirs – that your life was just as easy as theirs?

I was a homeschool mom for 11 years, so my boys went with me everywhere. Sometimes they behaved like little angels. Other times I wanted to pretend like they weren’t mine. I remember the raised eyebrows and the cutting glances that always made me feel "less than" the mom I should be. My glass house had its fair share of stones thrown at it, and every time it made me feel a little more "less than" the time before.

"I learned to give grace
as graciously as I needed it."

But there were also times when I was guilty of throwing a few stones of my own. Why aren’t her children dressed right? Why does she let them get away with that? How many times is she going to let her little one interrupt her?
Each stone I threw seemed much more like a boomerang when my children began testing the waters of their own independence. Eating my words didn’t come easy, but it was during that time that I learned to give grace as graciously as I needed it.