Monday, December 27, 2010

A word from our Mentor

Last meeting Jenny C. spoke on coping with fatigue in her devotional.

Fatigue is a widespread and chronic problem for people of varying ages, especially mommas. How do we/you cope with the blahs? How do you energize yourself? Does God's plan for you always include being tired? How can you live a balanced life-doing and ministering to others when you don't want to get up off the couch?

First and foremost, be sure your fatigue is not a result of illness. See a doctor to make  sure you are healthy. Have regular checkups.

Second, get plenty of rest. Give up that common past time of "burning the candle at both ends". If you want to be energized for daily living, you must learn to balance work with relaxation, recreation and worship. In the New Testament, Jesus siad that if you are weary, come to Him and He will give you rest. His rest is for the body and for the soul!

Third, your body needs to exercise regularly. Strange as it sounds, exercise counteracts fatigue. When you think you can't put one foot in front of the other again, go play ball with your child, mop the floor, sweep the steps, etc. If you have not proved this to yourself before, try it! It is true! When you are weary in the body and mind, get your muscles working. Even in Eden, God had plans for Adam and Eve to do physical work.

Fourth, remember that tired toughts result in tired bodies. Negative, unhappy, gloomy thoughts cause muscles to sag and vitality to disappear mysteriously. When we are with complaining, self-pitying, negative people, we find the energy drained right out of us. At times there are situations in our lives that are serious and we do have heavy thoughts, but regularly choose to think positive. In Philippians 4:8 Paul tells us what to think about, things that are true, honest, just, pure, lovely and of good report. This is a formula to help us have vitality in our life.

Fifth, have a purpose, a mission and a dream! Have something to anitcipate and work toward that goal,it will generate energy and enthusiasm. It could be a big dream, or a small activity. It could be a 30 minute time of being along or working on your favorite hobby undisturbed; or planning a trip with your family next year. Enthusiasm and energy comes from anticipating a desired activity or event.

Sixth, keep your faith alive. Each of us needs time to regenerate our energy supply through regular Bible reading, meditating, prayer and corporate worship. Duke University Medical Center reports in an article called "Aging and God" that faith not only re-energizes us but also helps us to live longer and better lives. Through studies they have descovered that people of faith who attend church frequently have lower blood pressure and fewer strokes; lower rates of depression, anxiety, alcoholism, and a greater sense of well being. And people of faith adapt better to the rigors of physical illness and disability.

If your problem is fatigue, you can learn to energize yourself. As Isaiah 30:15 reminds us "in quietness and in trust shall be your strength".

"Those who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength, they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint." Isaiah 401:31

From Get a Faith Lift by Nell W. Mohney

Our Last Meeting

Hope that all the great mommas out there have had a wonderful Merry Christmas and plan to have a delightfully Happy New Year.

Last we all met we had the opportunity to hear from a great, great speaker.......Judy Magnussen, LPC-MHSP from Elbow Tree. Here is her outline for her uplifting speach:

                              Delightful Mothering: De-Stressing Your Legacy

Live in Reality

    1. One Can't Do It All
              Common themes in counseling
         a. Over-compensating for the other parent's harshness
         b. Over-compensating for one's lack in one's own up-bringing
         c. Parenting by "guilt"
         d. Being "over-responsible" for another's irresponsibility
         e. The "Messiah Complex"

   2. Ask For and Receive Help
       a. Mother's Day Out Programs (Such as our MOPS meetings)
       b. Support Groups
       c. Counselin
       d. Trade out babysitting

   3. Take Time for Yourself
       a. Have time alone daily to do what you enjoy
       b. Maintain your own identity

   4. De-Stressing Techniques
       a. Consciously slo down and breath deeply
       b. Nurture your body and mind
       c. Use the "Seven -Minute" rule (Take 7 mins prior to going to bed, entering home after work, etc. and
           just take in positive energy and refuse to complain about the day)

Reality Check

      a. You are a woman of worth, value and dignity. You have a right to live that way.
      b. Your children are also people of worth, value and dignity and deserve to live as such.
      c. Your season of mothering pre-schoolers will pass.

If you would like to find out more about Elbow Tree go to or email Judy questions to Phone 423-517-7070 x3

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Delight in Your Children-"De-stressing" your Legacy

Coming December 14th, for our one and only meeting that month, will be Judy Magnussen, licensed professional counsler (see biorgraphy below) to share insights from her own journey as a former mom of pre-schoolers. Along with practical ways to "de-stress", learn how to attune to your own needs as well as the needs of your children. Judy will share ideas for the upcoming holiday and useful advice for all season of mothering. Join us for a thought-provoking and nurturing time together.

Objectives: Participants will.......

1. Know the difference between external stress and internal stress
2. Attune to their own needs, longings, and beliefs
3. Attune to the needs and longings of their children
4. Learn practical ways to "de-stress"

Along with her professional licensure, Judy is a Certified Imago Relationship therapist in private practice with Elbow Tree Christian Counseling ( Her therapy includes working with couples, families, and individuals dealing with a variety of issues including stress management, communication, depression, and life transitions. Judy has a passion for helping couples dialogue in ways that promote growth and connection. A mother of four adult children and grandmother on one, Judy's rich life experiences enhance her therapeutic approach. She enjoys mountain biking, canoeing, camping, and ballroom dancing with her husband Joe Herman. They partner together in facilitating the "New Way To Love" program for couples.

Please come join us and bring a friend!! There are extra points for the mommy night out if you bring someone!! Hope to see everyone there. December 14th, 2010 at 9:30AM First Baptist Church Soddy Daisy.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

MNO (Mom's Night Out)

Hi there all you wonderful mommas!!!!!!

Come join us Friday November 5th at 7PM at the Holiday Bowl in Hixson.

It's going to be fun, fun, fun!!!! Bring a friend and let's get the game on!!!!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Service Project


Here is the email that MOPS Internationational sent out in regards to OCC.........

Don't forget to bring all your supplies and your $1 donation to our next meeting on November 9th.

God Bless Everyone!!!!

Monday, October 25, 2010

We are still going

Fall has finally joined us and we are getting to see the beautiful leaves changing colors and the slight crispness of the air. It is time again for another wonderful MOPS meeting tomorrow, October 26th from 9:30-11:30. We will be continuing with Momology and tomorrows topic is Sculpture 102 with a Craft--Love Boxes. Come join us to find out what Sara and Amanda have in store for us.

On another note, in a past meeting Lora taught us how to play with our children. Some ideas I found in MomSense magazine for this Fall season were very interesting!! The article titled "Let's play" stated to Get out! On a milder day, bundle the kids up and head outside for a hot picnic lunch. Pack soup in a thermos, make grilled sandwiches and wrap them in foil and bring hot chocolate for a treat. When it is much colder, play around seeing your breath in the cold air. Can you "catch" it with your hands? Does it come out differently if your mouth is wide open? Lastly, (and it is one that my family has made a tradition out of) Walk or drive through your neighborhood on a hunt for pretty Christmas lights. Encourage your children to pick out their favorite colors and displays.

Hope everyone enjoyed Fall break just as much as my family and I did. Can't wait to see everyone tomorrow!!

God Bless!!!

Monday, September 27, 2010

Come join all the great mommas (and maybe a few new ones)..............

Finger painting: Creative ways to play with your child(ren).

Our next meeting is scheduled for September 28th at 9:30AM.

Ladies come prepared to have an extraordinary time!!! This shall be a great time to get together and learn more about our wonderful blessings from God! Don't forget to be ready for the icebreaker....wonder what Lori will have in store for us this time.

Remember: Even there your hand will guide me. Your right hand will hold me fast. Psalm 139:10.


Childcare is the most important part of MOPS because our kids are the most important thing to us. Here's some information you need to know about the MOPPETS childcare program. Please read below.

1. Sick policy - Be considerate when your children are sick, and do not bring them. If your child has been sick within the past 24 hours with fever, vomiting, or diarrhea, keep them home to rest and heal. If your child feels hot, seems sick, or has any health issues, you will be called on your cell to come get them during meetings. Please keep your cell on vibrate during the meetings.

2. Cups--Please send a cup to each meeting with your children. To avoid spreading germs, every cup or bottle MUST be labeled. Any unlabeled cup or bottle will not be used during the meetings. There are always tape and markers at the registration table if you happen to forget to label.

3. Snacks--Children in the toddler, preschooler, and big kids rooms will be offered a snack each meeting. The snacks will be Goldfish, animal crackers, or graham crackers.

4. Diapers--When you drop your child off make sure he/she is in a dry, clean diaper. The workers stay BUSY, and only dirty diapers will be changed. You can change your child's wet diaper after the 2 hour meeting

5. Crying and misbehavior--The workers have been advised to contact moms whenever there is a behavior problem that doesn't respond to time outs or redirection. Also, if a child cries for more than 10 minutes, you will be contacted.

6. Appreciation--Please tell the workers thank you each time you pick up your kids. A little appreciation goes a long way.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Together again..........

On Saturday September 11th the ladies got together for another MNO. This time we got the chance to go see Corinna and meet her at the Cookie Jar Cafe in Dunlap, TN. We had a total of 9 ladies that attended. All those that didn't make it we missed you dearly!!! The view was great as well as the food!!! Can't wait until we have another chance to spend some more time together. See everyone at our next meeting tomorrow at 9:30!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

MNO (Mom's night out) for September 2010

Hope that everyone has been doing great since our last time together. We get another chance to spend some more mommy time together this Saturday night September 11th at the Cookie Jar Cafe in Dunlap, TN. This resturaunt has been recommended by many and we get a chance to go spend some special time with Corrina. Everyone that plans on going needs to meet at FBCSD (First Baptist Church Soddy Daisy) at 6PM so that we can be loaded and ready to leave the parking lot at 6:15PM. If you haven't already done so please let Lori L. know that you will be attending so that the reservations can be completed and there will be enough room for everyone. The two drivers will be Lori B. and Shalena D. (just look for those big SUVs!!) If you want to check out the menu before you go just check out the website Here are a few pics from the website.

Come join us for some good food, good laughs and a great time bonding!!!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Our first MNO (mom's night out) for the new year

The ladies enjoyed MNO at FBCSD for game night. All the mommies brought fun games and finger foods. The game of choice this night was Phase 10. For anyone that hasn't played this game, it can get very intense. We had two decks of cards so we were able to separate into 2 groups. For one table it began to get a little competive but it wasn't anything that we couldn't just laugh about and go on with the game. By the way, Lori which is it, a 6 or 9?? "No, that is a 9!!!!"

MNO for us is such a great thing because it gives us a chance to get to know each other better plus we get time away from our precious little ones. A big thanks goes out to those that volunteered to watch the kids for those of us who didn't have childcare.

Until next time.....September 11th at the Cookie Jar

Gotta love some MOPS!!!!

Welcome back to MOPS

Our first meeting on August 24th was a huge success! We had all new MOPPETS to take care of our little ones and we got a chance to meet the new mommies that joined our group. Jenna, our coordinator, introduced herself and gave a wonderful speech regarding the new plans for the new year....Momology and MOPS University. We also enjoyed a short skit from Lora and Shalena (a last minute fill  in due to Kara being sick from a bee sting from the night before). All steering committee was introduced and each of us got a chance to answer some of Jenna's "questions".......and did anybody guess that Jenna was the "bad one"? And don't let me forget the fun we got to have with Sara's craft...our new MOPS bright pink T-shirts that we sprayed bleach water on to get the word "MOPS" to show. Thanks to everyone who helped us with getting everything together for our first meeting. Also a big thanks to our host church, First Baptist Soddy Daisy. Countdown to our next meeting......12 days!!!! Can't wait to see everyone again! Don't forget, bring a friend and start racking up those points ladies.....don't ya wanna get that free mommy night out????

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

It REALLY is good for you!

Ladies have you ever heard your husband say these words "your talking to her AGAIN? Didnt you just see her yesterday?"  I have tried to explain countless time that we girls have LOTS to talk about.  He simply roles his eyes in disbelief.

Well I came across an article in a Better Homes and Garden magazine that made me smile.  This is what it says ..

Chat your way to happiness
People who spend a lot of their day talking to friends and loved ones are much happier than silent types, says a new study in the journal Psycological Science.  The happiest people engage in both idle chichat and several deep conversations per day.

There you have it ladies!  Our written excuse to call our friends on the phone daily :)  Its no wonder women live on an average 10 more years then men!

Now go call a friend and enjoy a happier day!

Friday, May 21, 2010

Moms Night Out!


Ladies are you ready for some FUN??  I know I am!  Come join our MOPS group for a night full of food, fun and laughter!  We will be meeting at Ruby Tuesdays on 153 tomorrow, May 22cd at 7:00 pm.  We hope to see you there!