Monday, September 27, 2010


Childcare is the most important part of MOPS because our kids are the most important thing to us. Here's some information you need to know about the MOPPETS childcare program. Please read below.

1. Sick policy - Be considerate when your children are sick, and do not bring them. If your child has been sick within the past 24 hours with fever, vomiting, or diarrhea, keep them home to rest and heal. If your child feels hot, seems sick, or has any health issues, you will be called on your cell to come get them during meetings. Please keep your cell on vibrate during the meetings.

2. Cups--Please send a cup to each meeting with your children. To avoid spreading germs, every cup or bottle MUST be labeled. Any unlabeled cup or bottle will not be used during the meetings. There are always tape and markers at the registration table if you happen to forget to label.

3. Snacks--Children in the toddler, preschooler, and big kids rooms will be offered a snack each meeting. The snacks will be Goldfish, animal crackers, or graham crackers.

4. Diapers--When you drop your child off make sure he/she is in a dry, clean diaper. The workers stay BUSY, and only dirty diapers will be changed. You can change your child's wet diaper after the 2 hour meeting

5. Crying and misbehavior--The workers have been advised to contact moms whenever there is a behavior problem that doesn't respond to time outs or redirection. Also, if a child cries for more than 10 minutes, you will be contacted.

6. Appreciation--Please tell the workers thank you each time you pick up your kids. A little appreciation goes a long way.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the information coverage. You are really good at your job.
