Monday, March 5, 2012

Something that all moms are thinking

                                                                       Amazing Grace

I can point back to several generations of family members who set a positive example for me to follow. I know that I am blessed to have these roots, and I desire to leave my child with a similar legacy. But managing to cultivate my child’s heart to grow deep roots in love and faith can prove elusive in the day-to-day life of mothering.

"I’m trying to teach them
to let go of perfection."

My children are my biggest audience, so I want to be the type of person I want my children to be. My children hear everything, see everything – and that’s a little scary. It’s tempting to always have it together in front of them, but that isn’t very realistic. I’m human, I mess up, I fall (sometimes painfully) short of my ideals. And the reality is, they fall too, and will continue to do so for the rest of their lives. So how do I prepare them for that?

I’ve decided it comes down to this: I want them to know that God’s grace and love are real and present, even when we’re at our messiest. And that no one expects them to have it all together, all the time. I’m trying to teach them to let go of perfection. And oddly enough, that’s a time when my imperfections really come in handy.