Tuesday, March 29, 2011

A big reminder for us busy moms

Humble Pie
By Jacy Bowers

It was a Sunday night at dinnertime, and I was exhausted from the weekend. My very active and talkative kids, combined with just getting over the flu, had me hoping for a quiet dinner before putting them down early for bed.

During the meal, I zoned out a little, letting my husband answer my son’s endless stream of questions. “Dad, what does a heart look like inside a person? Does it look like the same ones we draw on paper? Why does an octopus have three hearts?”

Wait, what? That got my attention and I chimed in saying, “Honey, that’s not true.”

"My husband and I were

genuinely impressed at our

first grader’s knowledge."

He assured us it was true. His teacher told him so. Just to appease his curiosity, we promised to look it up on the Internet after dinner, to show him what a real heart looks like and prove that an octopus doesn’t have three hearts.

After dinner, he reminded us to do our Internet check on hearts and guess what? An octopus does have three hearts. My husband and I were genuinely impressed at our first grader’s knowledge. We apologized for doubting him, telling him we learn from him as much as he learns from us. He just smiled. Seems that is something he has known all along.

Dear God, thank you for the unending questions and thoughts my child has! Help me to patiently learn from him just as he learns from me. Amen.

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